Friday, September 22, 2006

Finally Back in My City

Joy in Boston
Originally uploaded by brentdanley.

The first time I came to Boston was in December 1992 as a missionary for the LDS church (I've since left the church and am not a member). When we got off the plane as missionaries in 1992 we were instructed to make our way to the mission office in Cambridge. We rode the subway to downtown, walked through Quincy Market, and eventually made our way to Harvard Square. I instantly fell in love with this magnificent and historic city. I'm BACK! This is Kirsten's first trip to Boston.

Somehow neither of us can reconstruct how we missed our plane in Chicago. That put us in Boston an hour after our planned arrival time which left us four hours until we had to be at North Station to catch the Downeaster to Portland. We rode the Blue Line to Government Center and walked to the Boston Common. Then we walked up Washington Street looking for a place I could buy some shoes. After passing the Old State House we turned on Beacon and walked past the Massachusetts State House and on to Cheers where we had lunch.

After lunch we strolled through the Public Garden then up Stuart Street to Copley Square. The memories of walking these streets every day over a decade ago came flooding back. I wanted time to stop so I could catch my breath. I'm in love and I'm back! It's so nice.

Just after 5 o'clock we caught the Green Line to North Station where we bought our Downeaster tickets and waited for the train. We got in the second-to-last car which was a good decision. We were able to get four seats at the end of the car that faced each other. It was nice to read, prepare photos for Flickr, talk, and for Kirsten to sleep. The ride was roomy, comfortable, and very pleasant. Halfway into the ride I ventured to the snack car and got a hot dog and Coke. Next time I'll bring my own lunch.

Today we're in Maine! Portland is the city to which we've been planning to move. I hope we're not disappointed. It was after dark when we arrived so we couldn't see much. Our hotel shuttle driver, Heather, was very nice and answered all our Portland questions.

It's getting light out. We'll have breakfast here in our hotel, get a rental car, and check out the city. It should be a fun day.