Sunday, February 26, 2006

Google Page Creator

Google recently announced a new service...Google Page Creator. This site is for anyone with a Gmail account (Most people who read this blog. If you don't have one let me know and I'll send you an invite.). No HTML or CSS experience necessary. It's as simple as creating a Word document and best of all...Google hosts the pages so you don't have to bother with paying for a web host, FTP, etc.

I probably won't use the site because I host my site at but it looks like a nice new product from Google that deserves a shout. Check it out.

The page I created in about a minute or less is

Thursday, February 23, 2006 and MySpace

I recently created accounts at both and MySpace. They are both social networking sites that are hugely popular and gaining. is a great way to share your bookmarks and find other sites that other people with similar interests have tagged. Visit the link below to see my tags. I had read bits about it and seen it a few times but never really gave it a good look until after I read an article about it in Business 2.0.

The MySpace is mostly blank so far. I'll add content soon, maybe. It's a hugely popular site. Kirsten accidentally left her profile marital status as "single". She's had several offers from guys in Wichita to "meet up".

My MySpace -
Kir's MySpace -

Friday, February 10, 2006

Nickelback Concert

Last night Kirsten and I went to the Nickelback concert at the Kansas Coliseum. It rocked!! They mostly played songs from their latest album, All the Right Reasons.

Default was the first band followed by Trapt. We definitely liked Default more than Trapt. Default has a crazy bass player with an outrageous mohawk and a TON of energy.

Nickelback played most of the songs from the new album as well as several of their older songs including the popular songs on Silver Side Up that put them on the charts. The sound, lighting, video, and pyrotechnics made for a show with lots of energy. It was fun to watch the younger fans crowd surfing and jumping around.