Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Perfect Patient, Textbook Surgery

A friend and former coworker, Pat Resser, came to the hospital shortly after I published my last blog entry. Soon after she arrived Dr. Hsu came out to tell me how the surgery went. Kirsten was a dream patient because she's so "skinny" and in peak physical health. The tumor was soft and her tissues behaved optimally. He said since she is so "skinny" (she's going to like hearing that) he was able to easily get the required access. He didn't have to insert a spinal fluid drain and there is no damage to the optic nerve. Perfect.

While we were talking to Dr. Hsu Kirsten was waking up in the operating room. After she was awake they moved her to recovery where they would monitor her before taking her to her room. While that was going on Pat and I went to the coffee shop downstairs to grab a bite to eat and talk. While we were there Wayne and Joyce Mercer, our neighbors, showed up and joined us at our booth. It was nice to sit and chat with caring friends free from the palpable stresses which had been constant since our last appointment with Dr. Hsu.

I'm drafting this entry from Kirsten's room in the Neurological Critical Care Unit at Via Christi-St. Francis. She was awake when I arrived and able to talk. Her nose is quite swollen--I'll spare you any pictures. You're welcome.--and packed with gauze. Other than that she looks great! Dr. Hsu said she'll be here in the NCCU for three to five days before being released. There is some risk of bleeding in her brain which they'll monitor as well as hormone imbalances resulting from a bruised pituitary gland.

Words cannot express the deep gratitude I feel for those of you who offer help; keep us in your thoughts; and have compassion for me, Kirsten, and the girls. Thank you!