Monday, September 20, 2004

Busy Sunday

Yesterday was exhausting! It was the second day of the September UTA. Three of us watched training videos. At 11am we were released to go home, get our families, and take them to the picnic. It was nice to be able to spend the afternoon with the girls and to watch them play on the playground. They had a live band and, as usual, gave away many donated prizes. Kirsten won a $20 gift certificate to Bath and Body Works (or one of those girly stores).

Our next door neighbor, Roscoe, is having his 80th birthday on the 26th. His daughter planned a birthday open house for him at her house and invited us to come. We pulled into our driveway after the picnic so Kirsten could grab a few things. The little girls and I stayed in the van. Skye asked me, "If we're going to Roscoe's birthday party why do we have to stay in the van?" It was a fun time and the food was excellent!

At 7pm my CS665 project group met at the WSU library. We decided to build a database for a video rental chain. We discussed possible entities, attributes, and relationships. It was productive. I really like the other two people in the group and think we'll work well together.

When I got home Kirsten's sisters were chatting on the computer. I always enjoy their Sunday evening chat sessions. Kirsten is always worried I'll say the wrong thing as I often don't agree with them. I learn a lot about Kirsten by getting to know her sisters. It's too bad my siblings are too self-involved to make the time or too computer illiterate to have an online chat.